
 The Physical Fitness Group

Endurers 25Endurers is a running & cycling group which encourages members of the church to be good stewards of the body which God has given us. The Bible tells us that we are made in His image; we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. It does imply that we need to take care of our bodies and keep ourselves physically fit to serve Him.

The Endurers focus on the benefits of running in a friendly and supportive group environment, while also seeking to foster community bonding and building up team spirit. We believe that the self-control required in achieving health and physical fitness can help establish better habits in spiritual areas as well.

While the group does include a number of sEndurers 24 easoned marathon runners, it caters for beginners as well. There are two chapters of Endurers in the city - North and South. While most members of the group are runners, there is a cycling wing as well, with members who are experienced and accomplished riders and beginners as well; for all ages and varying levels of fitness. Members participate through the year in events organised by the Endurers themselves, as well as in other events. If you would like to lead a physically active life, or if you have a desire to do so but are struggling to find the motivation, Endurers is just the group to join.

Endurers 26Endurers 27Training days:

First, Third and Fourth Saturdays

Venue and time:

South Endurers - Nehru Park at 7:30 AM
North Endurers - Kamla Nehru Ridge at 7:00 AM

Our motto:

Keep your feet on the track, eyes on the finisher's medal, and take the first step.






Advice for the Lockdown