Music 01

Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvellous things...
- Psalm 98:1


We are a singing church, and we welcome you to experience the beauty and power of congregational singing; to move from simply attending worship to experiencing worship, as our worship team leads you in praising and glorifying God.

God has blessed the church with much talent, to the extent that we now have a Junior Worship Team as well. One of the teams lead during the worship time of lively singing and passionate music, on Sundays and during other events.

Music 02

Music 03The Psaltry - School of Church Music

Even as we are blessed with a wealth of talent in the church, we encourage all our members to further develop their talents by joining the Bible Bhavan Psaltry - the School of Church Music; one of a kind in this city.

The Psaltry is steadily growing, and has produced a vibrant Psaltry choir, led by the worship leader Thotmung Muivah, which has given outstanding Cantatas and concerts to reach out to the city with the Gospel.

Psaltry Practice: Thursdays at 6:30 pm at Bible Bhavan.

Christmas and Easter Cantatas

The Psaltry prepares for two major cantatas/concerts during Christmas and Easter every year, and we praise God that the events have been growing every year.

The Christmas Cantata for 2020 and 2021 was held online due to the pandemic.

The Psaltry returned to the stage, and to live performance, in December 2022, with an original Christmas Cantata, and songs by the Psaltry choir at the Siri Fort Auditorium. 

This year, the Cantata is a more intimate church celebration of Chrisitmas, at Bible Bhavan on 16 December 2023. Come join us as we celebrate 'The Song Goes On'!


Christmas Cantata 2018_2.jpeg



Watch Videos

BBCF Global Christmas Cantata 2021

BBCF Worship Team Virtual Choir 2020

Delhi - NCR Christmas Cantata 2018 - Festival Medley

Easter Concert 2018 - Rolled Away

Christmas Cantata 2017 - Joyful Wonderful