Orcheomai 1B

 Dance - In Celebration and Worship!

 Let them praise His name with dancing and make music to Him with timbrel and harp...
                                                                                          -- Psalm 149 : 3

Orcheomai 2The Scripture indicates that dance was used as an act of worship; it continues to be used in this way today. The story of King David dancing before the Lord with all his might is the most striking depiction of dance as an expression of worship. A true worshipper in spirit and truth, David expressed himself fervently in a spontaneous moment of spiritual emotion as he danced with all his might before the Lord; a God-honoring dance that was inspired by the Holy Spirit.   

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 When focused on worshipping God rather than drawing attention to self, dance is a beautiful art form that can communicate truth, bringing glory to God and edifying others. God calls His children to worship Him; he desires an outward expression of love for Him that involves participation with all of one's heart, soul, mind and strength - because He is worthy to be praised.    

Orcheomai 4

The BBCF Orcheomai team, led and choreographed by Ning Singson, aims to utilise this art form in a way that is beautiful, communicative and helps glorify God in worship. With members of all ages, the team regularly participates in Cantatas and other outreach events of the church; their performances always reflecting the beauty that comes from holy, God-honoring dances. If you have a talent / passion for dance, and would like to use it for worship in this manner, please do join the team.